within thisheart
there is everything
what about me?
never shuts up
that's my name. a kid. likes colours. loves plushies. Loves Jesus ! and making Ed smile. COOKIES ! ><
hook me up
Aaron C. Anna Manthou Benjamin H. Daniel C. Daniel L. Denise S. Hannah T. Dianne C. Hooi Ping Jacky T. Jonathan Y. Jun Arn Kelly L. Kyla Kabian Kelvin C. Lynn Owayne Racheal S. Saras SuSian Shu Wern Steamoz Victor C. Sau Cheng Zhu-ey Wei Cyn
and crap to your hearts desire
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My Desires
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Stemoz Outing !
Friday, May 29, 20093:52 AM
hey steam people,
we plan to have an outing this coming holidays so we were thinking of watching a movie, get some lunch... catch up? crap... and for crying out loud... no more rc stuff in our conversations please. haha...jkjk.
yeah, so CLS has thought of watching monsters vs aliens.

show: monsters vs aliens (3D)
date : anytime 2nd week, tuesday, wednesday, friday or sunday.
time : from 1.00 to 5.30 ?
cost : RM 15 per ticket, i think.

we'll most probably be having lunch, then only watch the movie.
SO, for lunch, it'll be anywhere in gurney aite?

OH YAHHH !! this outing is also to celebrate you steam ppls birthdays. haha.
if i'm not mistaken, the bday boys and girls are Yan Wei, Kean Por, Kenneth, Kevin, Edwina, Andria.....@_@
aiyahh if i've left you out by mistake, please do let me now ASAP ! thanks.. xD
bday boys and girls, be there yah? since it's for you... indirectly.. directly.. depends on how you see it. hehe.

GUYS please do let KEAN POR or KENNETH know if you're interested.
GIRLS please do let either EDWINA or JOLENE know if you're interested.


thanks a lot people ~ *winks
looking forward to seeing u all again.
Taaaaaz ~

Joleneee <3
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dedicated to DENISE SONG.
1:35 AM
I've changed the skin of this blog because i got fed up with the complaints regarding it's font size.
So I have decided on something simple.
Blog like Blogger.
DENISE SONG ! This post is dedicated Just for YOU !
hope your eyeballs don't pop out.

Teachers day was 100% hilarious ! students and teachers dancing, singing, jumping about, SCREAMING ! it was one heck of a day. the school was divided into two groups ; red and green. there were numerous activities but really, it was worth all the student's time. and teacher's too, of course. xD
I've found out today that Lee Sa is weird. because she finds Ed and me weird. but we aren't you see, we're perfectly normal. normal happy-go-lucky people. but she finds us weird. so sad.. to think that my brother, Lee Sa has become weird. LOL. oh mi god. Lee Sa don't kill me. xDD !!

my name tag dropped into the drain and my hands were not small enough to get it. talk about .. ______ fill in the blank yourself.

I've got a thousand and one things to say and i really just can't shut up. so to spare you people's eye sight, i shall ciao first.

Joleneee <3
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BOP and D-grayman
Thursday, May 28, 200911:51 PM
hmmm.. you know what? this random thought came into my mind during prefects' meeting. it started with what Pn Tan said... something about us prefects being different from the
other students. being the ones who stand out and stand for justice and
blahhdeeblahhblahh...something about us being a group of people who have one thing in common. a group of people that's recognised by the school.
and pop !

the black order came into my mind. cool people with classy uniforms tailor made to give out
the best look for their users. the authority the members of the black order are granted
once set foot into its realm. the companions who go through the challenges, obstacles, hell
of the society and grief in some way or another. the feeling of unity even though there are
miscommunications and misunderstandings causing mishappenings amongst them. the
members of the black order stand as one figure. friends... closer friends are from this
organisation. whatever that may seem alien in them to the eyes of their friends outside
the organisation, are definitely understood by the people of the same uniform as them.

i don't know where i'm heading with all this crappy thoughts BUT seriously... think about
it.. try to make the comparison. isn't the BOP something like the black order??? HAHA don't
laugh your arse off.. though it is a funny thought. we may not be as cool.. haha or given any
super natural innocence to give us super natural weapons to annihlate those pesky school
rule violaters. HARDEEHAAHAAAR BUT we do have the similarities of having a uniform
with freaking hot blazers that kill us monday mornings, a group of people wearing the
uniforms that carry out the same duties, a group of people with the one thing in common ;
prefectship. we are recognised by the school, like how the black order is recognised by the
. i think. in some way. yah. =

i can just imagine .. the BOP in the uniforms of the black order. with cool weapons that
blow the brains out of the rule violaters. WAHAHAHAHA ! I could just see it all now........prefect : HEY YOU ! your SOCKS ! *BISHHH*[Dust]i'm a dangerous prefect on the loose. =D !!

old pic. sorry, can't find any new ones.

HAHA imagine us looking like thattt ! xDD
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I really never knew
Saturday, May 23, 20099:10 AM
i never knew that the one who made me would be the one to break me.
i never knew that the grass would be better off without its sun.
i never knew that loving him was never an option.
i never knew that it was never my decision to make.
i never knew that i was capable of being ignorant though, knowing the truth,
i never knew that it is supposed to be 'cleverer' and not 'more clever'
i never knew that a battallion of chickens could rule the earth.
i never knew that i do not know alot of things.
and i wish i never knew that i never knew i do not not know alot of things.

how sad.
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inheritance of belief
7:30 AM
christianity isn't through inheritance.

i know this is very.. out of the blues BUT i just have to let it out.
i was at cellgroup last night and.. i was thinking...that yea, christianity isn't through inheritance.
it's all about the self encounter with God. no other.
it's all about the grace of the Lord and the mercy He has given to us.

now, it wouldn't make much sense if we were to be born into a christian family and say that we are christians. that would make us christians by name. not by faith. christianity is a choice.
a choice given to us to make for ourselves.

no one.

yes, no one makes that decision for us.
we make the choice on our own.
i have made a decision to be a christian.
i could choose to drift away from God and be a free thinker.
to choose to think that christianity is just ONE of THOSE religions.
to choose to think that there really isn't a God out there. goodness, evolution seems to be more logical, no?
hah. there IS a God out there. and i had an encounter with that God. THE God. The alpha and omega. The beginning and the end.it was.. undescribable. it was however, without doubt, an encounter of grace. it was and will always be real ; these encounters. until i see him face to face at the Gates of heaven.

i understand that, by grace we are chosen by god. god chose us. God gave us the freedom to choose whether to follow him or to deny him.
and if we choose him, he'll promises us ever lasting life. eternity. a forever.

and if we don't, he wouldn't force us. ofcourse he wouldn't. he wouldn't take a pitch fork and throw us down to hell. he's a God of love. full of mercy. he will always try to free us,free us from the grasps of evil. free us from the torment that would soon dawn upon us on judgement day either through the believers or through personal encounters like Saul. (ACTS 9) if he could, he would save evry single soul on earth. for he has created us in his image. he wouldn want anyone to perish, anyone to burn for eternity. but as much as he wants us to be saved, he respects us, men, and gives us the freedom of choice. that, is without doubt,the grace of god.

i'm sorry if i annoy you with this post. i'm sorry if i have ticked off some sort of self destruct button in your brain to burn me to ashes.but i really want those.. those 'christians' out there, to think about this decision that god has given them. im sorry, but i feel that being a christian by name.. doesn't mean much. there isn't much depth. it's somehow.. so superficial. i have been there and i have done that. and i did not like it at all.please.. christians out there.. make a choice. be a christian based on the honesty of the heart. not based on the reason of 'inheritance'.

please do not use me.. as some sort of reflection of Christ. not that i'm denying him but. i'm still a long way from becoming like him.very far away. but i'm still trying. i will not give up. never. it's difficult to be a christian but i know that evrytime i fall, evrytimei make a blunder.. he's there to pick me up. he tells me to go on. and God never fails. i KNOW he never fails. because that is whyi'm still here.. a christian who has made a decision not too long ago to be a christian by faith and not by name, blogging about Himin this lil blog of mine. = )
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Lenalee !
Wednesday, May 20, 20094:14 AM

i think i've never blogged about my random hobby before.
to come to think of it, i have never breathed a word about it in any of my 100 dead blogs. o.O"
anyway, it's just something i do when i'm seriously in the mood to do it.
otherwise, i really couldn't be bothered. xD i think.
it's paper clay.

and my beloved project might turn out to be some sort of a disaster in your eyes, but to me, she's beautiful. HEE !
introduction : Lenalee from D-grayman. sitting down supposedly supposed to be emo. BUT i cant draw her face incase i retard my beautiful creation. xD
i'm craaazy about D.grayman ...i change from time to time, so pleaaase bear with my 'sampat'-ness. =D
tadaaaa ! she isn't coloured in these pics.

she is coloured in these pics. xDD

i know i know you must be like
'PFFFFT' the biggest joke of 2009. but heyy... it was hard work alright. ><
a long way from now. xD
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realisation from within.
4:11 AM

For I am only human,
It was never my choice
To crush a mountain or drain the sea,
I may not see the facts laid for me,
Being blinded by sight,
It was never the sort of pain I hoped,
Dearly hoped to overcome,
But the sort of pain I knew I couldn’t,
No matter how strong the determination,
Nor the encouragement,
And when God becomes the matter of question,
I understand,
Truly understand that
Prayers are meant to be answered
But not all,
And His time will never be of mine,
Leaving me, a human,
To make believe that mountains could be crushed
And seas could be drained,
No matter,
I am still a human,
Weak but made strong in He,
Who loves, cares, and understands,
But as the hands move from one point to another,
I see my treasures whether from sweat and pain
Hurt or shame,
Swept away,
As though to say
That they aren’t mine though they seem to be,
And I wonder why prayers,
Yes, prayers,
Are answered not to the benefits
Of the seen,
But to the unseen,
However, I am still human,
Having no choice but to be obedient,
Standing beneath the hands of He Who holds the earth.
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I was ThinKing...
Friday, May 15, 20091:21 AM
i was thinking...
newspapers are depressing. i get very depressed whenever i read the newspapers.
it's either DEATH. MURDER. RAPE. and it goes on and on with all the monstrosity of humans. can't the world just live in PEACE?? like gawd.. isit really that difficult.. sometimes i wish i could tie all of them to bamboosticks and shoot them out to Mars with a sling shot.

AND i was thinking...
being a prefect is kinda... __________. i dont know what the word is so fill it up yourself. you see a girl going against the school rules riiiiiight infront of your face and all they do is.. smirk at you. hah. that puts a BIG FAT SMILE on my BIG FAT FACE. lol. really, is it thaaat difficult to abide by the school rules? and handphones... why handphones? why would you wana bring your handphones to school? and and... HAIR ! don't get me started. *sighs* being a prefect aint all that glorious after all aye?

hmmm i was seriously thinking...
exams are.. bad.
not just bad.
rotten bad.
not just rotten bad.
stinkin rotten bad bad.
haha yea, it's THAT bad.
i think i studied. yet, i think i didn't. i think i understood what i studied, yet i think i didn't. i think i knew how to answer those stupid darned questions, yet i seriously seriously think i didn't. hmmm.... o.O i dont think i know what im thinking....

i think i think i think....
and i think i have a blind spot symptom when it comes to studying. i can remember EVRYTHING and ANYTHING else about that certain topic YET i cannot remember ANYTHING about the one tiny incy wincey punieeee weenieeee lil part of that chapter. the part which comes out for EXAM !! and this happened to almost ALL my papers ~!! talk about frus beyond frus !

i am OFFCIALLY scareeeeeeeed of ming yen. it has been 5 days since the five of us ed, ming, den, zhu and puiyee, have been waiting together for our parents after school. i think we were louder than those cars pressing their horns till horns pop out. @.@ i enjoyed the noise we made. it was .. a happy kind of noise. the sort of noise DRUNK PPL MAKE WHEN THEY ARE SERIOUSLY PISSED ! and it was only 2.05 in the afternoon. =DDD

joleneee !
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The Passion. Was it NOT because of LoVe?
Monday, May 4, 200912:15 AM
the passion. was it not because of love?

what reason is there for another woman? is this woman not good enough? does she not
satisfy your needs? doesn she cook your meals, clean your house and care for YOUR
children? and if u say she doesn't deserve you. No, its more like you don't deserve her and
some snotty young ignorant woman does. that's what YOU DEFINITELY deserve. =[if you're a human, you would have brains, now, wouldn't you? but if you ditch the woman you
thought you loveD for some skimp who just so happens to be a passer by in your life, hah
GOD BLESS YOU, not only you got no brains, you aint got a heart as well. without a heart you'll die. OOOPS. hope hell isn't too hot for you. =D


well woopiee dee doo ! while the wife goes through a serious disease or an illness like..
stroke? cancer? obesity??! guess what the inconcieted, indispicable pig headed husband
does.. he goes PARTYING and having a TIME OF HIS LIFE.. DRINKING.. DANCING..
WOMANIZING.. *womanizer womanizer oh you're a womanizer babehh* while the poor
wife suffers in the hospital. ARGH !

It's all about the beauty isn't it? you seem pretty complecent with your lil doughnut but
here comes along some fancy cupcake with so much icing, you could die from diabetes. now,
does beauty mean that much to a man? what's wrong being a doughnut? just to please the
man you gota suffocate your poor dough with all the chocolate from switzerland just to
look pretty??!! if beauty guarantees a husband's commitment, well, alot of people would be
having face lifts every 5 years wouldn't they? haha i suppose they would. =D from most
teenager's perspective, beauty makes u feel good about yourself. makes you feel confident
and high. makes you wanna scream your butt off saying that you're GLAMOUR material.
But to me. yes. me. If the BOY (not the man) were to treat me with the same love and
passion as he did in the beginning, no matter how haggard i am, no matter how pathetic,
sick, ugly or even a michael jackson look alike, i would DEFINItely feel good about myself.
beauty. hmmmph. FIDDLESTICKS ! haha not all beautiful, pretty faced ladies are happy ya know..? i bet their faces bring more trouble than a bank with no security.

*btw it's cause i know i'll never get NEAR GLAMOUR xD
whatever happened to that bond? to that 'i love you' on valentines day? whatever happened
to the word ' MY wife, MY love' ? the word MY shows a very strong sense of bond between
husband and wife. it shows that he or her is his or hers possession. think about it, this is
MY CAR. MY HOUSE. it belongs to you doesn't it? and you would naturally care for
something that belongs to you wouldn't you? so if you would care so much for a HOUSE or
a CAR, what more a HUMAN BEING who just so happens to be the WOMAN you

you must be thinking," This girl is insane for thinking that she knows alot about marriages
and commitments ! " well mind you whoever who's reading this, that it doesn't mean that a
17 year old girl wouldn't know the pain and hurt of those OLDER WOMEN who are or have
gone through this misfortune. who says that the law only allows 37 year old women and not
17 year old girls to understand and sympathise those incapacitated victims? isit against
the law? no it isn't. and just so you know, 6 year old kids would understand, maybe not
entirely but they will be able to sense the pain, the hurt and the tears of their mothers
who have been through this.

"who do you think you are, 6 year old girl? young and immatured! you have yet to know about
such things ! "

" but momma cwies herself to sleep ewry night. she doesn eat. she's losing too mwuch
weight. i think she's hurt because daddy doesn't wanna come home. he says momma doesn
understand and like you, he says i dont have to know why. i think daddy hurt momma. if not
she wouldn cwie so much"

it's a fact that we YOUNGER IMMATURED youths wouldn't know exactly how it feels.
we wouldn't know for sure the sort of anguish and agony. but we do know that whatever it
is.. it's painful. it goes without saying. any Tom, Dick or Harry would know that these
women and mothers are not justified. little kids would know. they aren't stupid. and that
doesn't exclude us 17 year old kids.

after marriage, it's no longer about the passionate love. it's all about the commitment in
the love. commitment is the utmost important rope that ties the two together. not many
men see that, unfortunately, leaving their wives hurt for their stupidity, shallow lust and
heartless love.

in this lil mind of mine,
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Being Told OFF
Saturday, May 2, 200912:04 AM
hello dear people.
this is my blog number 100th.
and i seriously seriously hope it doesn't die like the others.
probability of it dying = 99/100
but whatever,

today i shall talk about : being told off

i was told off today. by who, i shall not say. but i was in the dumps for 'being told off'. i mean, come on ! who on planet earth likes to be told off huh? who would go.. " WOOHOOO i've been told off today! i'm so pleased and proud of myself !!" totally rubbish. if you are normal , you would be like me. if you aren't, then have fun being told off. = whatever it was about, that's not really for you to know but all I KNOW is that being told off is always for the better. really. it's like a slap in the face which wakes you up from your lil bubble. it's an action which changes you from the not-so-good-character to the almost-acceptable-character in society. ohmigod. i think im rambling about rubbish. but seriously, i thank God, i have been told off today. =D

ps: i'll give more details. after i've been told off the second time. xD

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