Hello all!
let me be random.
I’m just so TERRIBLY confused why people fight and not patch up after that?? Is it reaaaally that difficult?
I know that everyone has their flaws and that their flaws can be REAAAALLY annoying, like indescribably annoying and I understand that NO ONE LIKES annoying flaws. But before we start condemning the person to the deepest pits of hell, judging him just because we’re annoyed beyond reason, have we actually asked ourselves whether if WE HAVE FLAWS that ANNOY THE BRAINS out of those around us? We all aren’t perfect, no one is perfect meaning in very very very very simple terms, WE HAVE FLAWS DONKEY. SO UNDERSTAND THAT. D: imagine, we condemn him to hell, he condemns us to hell, and by the end of the day, we’ll see the whole population of the world rotting in hell. I doubt the devil would like that.. There would be lack of oxygen for hell’s fire to burn. = =” Can’t we all just ACCEPT each other’s flaws and LIVE with it? Can’t we all just laugh about it and be TOLERANT? alright, you CAN say that option A) accepting each other’s flaws is so IMPOSSIBLE , you could die of an overdose of annoyance, so you could try option B) tell the person with serious gentleness that you’re not comfortable with his flaws and that you would like him to change. Come on, IT’S NOT THAT DIFFICULT ALRIGHT. = =
What if you chose none of the above and decided to create your own option; option C) ignore him, don’t get along with him, let the problems between the both of us augment until it reaches the heavens for all I care, I’m not talking to him. Well then, sorry to say brother, there’re no benefits from broken friendships.
There’s all to lose and nothing to gain.
You may say that whatever he does will not affect me because I don’t care about him anymore, but we must bear this in mind, we are all responsible for one another. We live in a community and not as an individual. A Youth group does not function with the work of one youth but with the work AS a group. We are like bees in a hive. We are all responsible for one another, no matter if he or she is a leader in the youth, a worship leader, a musician, a vocalist, a sound man or even an ordinary member. We should by right, respect one another in whatever role they play in the group. EVERYONE is important. every single person plays a role of equal responsibility. No one is more important than the other. We are one as a youth and we are responsible for whatever happens to each other. We are brothers and sisters in the ONE who has MADE US. He had made us to have communion with the community not to tear each other apart. Isn’t our God, the God of love, mercy and forgiveness? The God who despises anger and hatred? We have been growing in the sight of Christ for so many years. God would cry to see us walk away from our own brothers and sisters in bitter anger. I know with all my heart that God would want us to live in forgiveness, to be ever ready to forgive those who hurt us whether intentionally or unintentionally, to have the words ‘SORRY’ and ‘I FORGIVE YOU’ to always be at the tip of our tounges. I cry the tears that God would cry if he could, for his sons and daughters; for my two best friends.